Just a short blog because now that Kaiden's here, I'm lucky if I can manage to get a shower before noon.
I remember once hearing a father explain that all his newborn baby did was sleep, poop, and eat. Back then I thought, "Hmm, that's all? Sounds rather boring." But now that Kaiden is here, I find nothing could be further from the truth. It's amazing how much little babies grow and what they can process in such a relatively short amount of time. In the pictures I've attached (taken today at 6wks of age) he's showing two very distinctive facial expressions (I love both of them equally) and is exercising his leg muscles for the rolling over, standing and crawling that is to come. Far from being boring, there's so many fabulous precursors to watch Kaiden go through. Instead, I'm taking the advise of so many other parents and am relishing this time with Kaiden.